Describe each of the step of the journey to someone who is unaware of the Hero's Journey concept.
Step 5 / 6 - Crossing the first Threshold and Test Allies and Enemies
- The fifth step in a hero's journey would be crossing the threshold. This is where the hero would "begin" their main journey. The hero would leave everything they know from behind and begin their dangerous adventures. In their journey the hero would meet many smaller tasks that they would have to overcome. This is the sixth step in a hero's journey is these "smaller Task" would be obstacle that test our hero's skills and knowledge. This meaning the hero would have to defeat certain enemies that would get in his way. (91)
Provide an example from a television show/movie/book story line that is an example of each step of the journey.
- After meeting with Winston to get useful Information about what kind of task John was faced with, he would then leave the hotel to face his enemies. This is where John would cross the threshold and face difficult tasks along the way. Viggo would then send multiple men to his house to eliminate him, but John easily defeated them. After being faced with difficult tasks such as having to defend himself from multiple enemy's John would then find out that Viggo would place a 3 - 4-million-dollar bounty on him. After the bounty was placed on him John was attacked by every assassin in New York city. (106)
Describe a situation in your own life where you have experienced these steps.
- A situation in my life that is connected to my life is when I work with others in groups at school to accomplish my tasks. This group task tests both my skills in communication and being able to understand the topics and things that need to be done. Being able to come out of my comfort zone is similar to crossing a threshold. When the hero's cross their version of their threshold they would leave the comfort of their home and things they grew up around. My version of crossing the threshold, is being able to come out of my comfort zone, take presenting as an example. (107)
Describe what it was like for you to complete these steps, despite any difficulties.
- Completing these tasks is a bit difficult for me. When it comes to presenting, I tend to stutter and have an uneasy tone in my voice due to being nervous in front of the class. Another thing that was a bit difficult to do as a team was picking a day or time to work as a team outside of school. In my communication class I struggled to make time to meet with my team members to work on a project, and when it comes to days, I am available other members would not be available for that day. (99)
What did you learn about yourself as a result of this experience?
- There were a few things that I learned from this. The first ones are being able to overcome problems and find a quick solution to love those problems. Another was to work as a team and divide and conquer the task. It's much easier to ask with each other than by yourself. When you work together you can learn to be a leader and help guide each other and learn from one another to help improve your chance of being successful. The last thing I also learned working with theirs, is being able to communicate with each other. When communicating with others and understanding or "being on the same page" will help with working as a team and understanding more of it or "getting the bigger picture". (127)
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