What did you learn about yourself as a result of this experience?
- I learn a lot about myself in this experience, for example each step in the hero's journey. This experience helped me advanced and move up in life. This helps me find self-discover and learn to come out of my comfort zone and overcome obstacles and problems. Being ablet to come out of that comfort zone allow me see things that is new and challenging and being able to strengthen myself from those challenges. Facing challenges like a hero in its journey, helps me and an individual to confronts their fears and is crucial in growth. Experience is everything in growth and being able to use that in your journey can help gain new edge and advantage. Having allies and mentors help me gain more knowledge and share ideas with one another to help discover new goals and achieve new things. Learning and adapting your struggles help you improve as a person and learn how to deal with that struggles if it ever came to be again. (266)
What are you going to apply in the future based on what you have learned about yourself? Think of this as your next steps for your life.
- There is a lot of things I can apply in the future based on these steps. In the step in of the hero's journey, our hero would enter their special word this being their home and the entry point of the character itself. In my ways of the ordinary world is my background and the things I have done to be where I am today. The next step is being called to adventure, for me this was being to peruse my education in the IT fields. However, I thought that studying in this field would be a bit challenging and refuse to go deeper into that range. As I go into the career, I had someone who helps me along the way, that being my professor at school and my parents that support me. I go into the field or the "Threshold". This is the part where I start taking test for it and get certain certifications for the field. My version of the smaller task that I consider is being the "enemies", this being checkpoint to my knowledge such as quizzes. As well as approaching the inmost cave being the biggest task of my life. That is being the final test to everything I learn in the IT field. All this task that I do is a small step in my version of a hero's journey, and every day is a new story's no matter what event that happens that day. (284)
Are you prepared to be the hero of your own journey?
- In many I am, and not. I am not that super preparing due to lack of what might lay lays ahead. The only thing that I am prepared for is setting up goals and objective. Being able to embrace challenges recognizing is it, it takes skills and certain knowledge to be able to overcome it. Not being to have the proper tools or knowledge can affect the effort into those problems. In this hero's journey, it is a path that you take, and along that path you find guidance and help along your way. I would need to be able to make my own path and face challenges for myself, but that doesn't mean to face it alone either. In another way I'm excited to face this challenge and obstacles to help motivate me to achieve other smaller goals and task along the way and help shape me into who I am. (214)
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